Budget Beat

August 19, 2022 by WVCBP
Amendment 2 and Tax Cut Efforts Would Exacerbate State Staffing Crises

Amid multiple state agency staffing shortage crises driven by low pay, state officials are proposing to cut state revenues even further through income tax cuts and proposed property tax cuts if Amendment 2, which will be on the ballot this fall, passes. Just this month, West Virginia Education Association (WVEA) officials warned of record teacher…

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August 5, 2022 by WVCBP
Amendment Two: A Power Grab that Puts Local Public Services at Risk

Amendment Two, or the Property Tax Modernization Amendment, will be on the ballot this November for West Virginia voters to consider. If passed, it would amend the constitution to give the state legislature the authority to exempt business machinery and equipment, business inventory, and personal vehicles from property taxation. As such, passage of the amendment…

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July 22, 2022 by WVCBP
Nothing New About Governor Justice’s Special Session Income Tax Cut Plan

This week, the details of Governor Justice's newest personal income tax cut proposal were revealed. Like previous failed attempts to cut the income tax in recent years, Gov. Justice's latest proposal would give the bulk of the tax cut to the wealthiest West Virginians while depriving the state of resources to address real needs and make necessary one-time investments. The…

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July 15, 2022 by WVCBP
Five Ways to Use West Virginia’s Revenue Surplus to Help Families and Workers

West Virginia ended Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 with revenues coming in at $1.3 billion above estimates. And while that surplus is largely a mirage built on low revenue estimates, unexpectedly high energy prices, and unprecedented amounts of federal aid and budget support, it does present an opportunity to make much-needed investments in the people of West Virginia while addressing longstanding needs. Unfortunately, both the…

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July 8, 2022 by WVCBP
Remaining ARPA Funds Should Be Spent on Needs of Residents and Those Disproportionately Impacted by Pandemic

In the spring of 2021, Congress passed the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to address the ongoing economic and health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to historic reductions in child poverty through the expanded Child Tax Credit, ARPA’s Fiscal Recovery Funds to states and localities were among the most impactful parts of the legislation. In West Virginia,…

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July 1, 2022 by WVCBP
The Fall of Roe Will Disproportionately Harm Low-income West Virginians

Abortion is and always has been an economic issue. In the wake of the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the last remaining abortion provider in West Virginia has been forced to cease providing these critical and lifesaving health care services. With safe, legal abortion in the state now fully inaccessible, we know that low-income people…

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June 24, 2022 by WVCBP
Abortion Restrictions and Bans Disproportionately Harm Low-income West Virginians

Abortion is and always has been an economic issue. With Roe v. Wade expected to be overturned in the coming weeks, abortion is likely to become even more restricted or altogether banned in West Virginia. Low-income people will suffer the most. In recent years, West Virginia lawmakers have created a landscape where pregnant people frequently…

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June 17, 2022 by WVCBP
Property Tax Amendment Could Cost Schools and Local Governments $515 Million, Take Control Away from Local Governments and Voters

This November, West Virginians will vote on a proposed constitutional amendment that could jeopardize hundreds of millions in property tax revenue benefiting local communities. Here's our third in a series of blog posts outlining why the amendment should be rejected. If passed, the property tax amendment would give the state legislature the authority to exempt business machinery and equipment,…

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June 10, 2022 by WVCBP
Data Doesn’t Support Eliminating the Business Machinery, Equipment, and Inventory Property Tax

This fall, West Virginians will vote on a proposed constitutional amendment that could jeopardize hundreds of millions in property tax revenue benefiting local communities. Here's our second in a series of blog posts outlining why the amendment should be rejected. This blog post details how claims that West Virginia’s property taxes are out of line with other states’ or…

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June 3, 2022 by WVCBP
Murray-Kaine Proposal Would Protect and Improve Child Care For Thousands of West Virginia Working Families

With temporary federal funding to help families afford child care ending soon, US Senators Patty Murray and Tim Kaine have proposed an increase in child care funding for all states that would give West Virginia an additional $77 million annually, allowing it to serve some 4,200 more children and build on pandemic-initiated improvements to our child care system. Negotiations are reportedly…

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