Budget Beat

January 25, 2024 by WVCBP
Policies That Further Restrict SNAP Harm Families, Retailers, and the Charitable Sector

Our new fact sheet highlights how SNAP restrictions harm vulnerable populations that face barriers to work, negatively impact retailers, and increase demand on the state's charitable food sector.  Read the full fact sheet here. Excerpt below: Overview The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as the Food Stamp Program) is the most powerful anti-hunger tool…

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January 12, 2024 by WVCBP
Minding the Store in West Virginia Requires Making Up for Years of Neglecting Budget Needs

The 2024 West Virginia regular legislative session kicked off this past Wednesday, January 10. WVCBP executive director, Kelly Allen, issued the following statement in response to Governor Justice’s State of the State address: Unfortunately, the rosy picture Governor Justice painted is not the reality for many West Virginians in counties all over the state who’ve seen too…

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December 15, 2023 by WVCBP
Hope Scholarship Reduces Resources for Public Schools, Lacks Necessary Oversight

The vast majority of school-age children in West Virginia attend and receive their education through the public school system, and West Virginia’s state constitution requires "a thorough and efficient system of free schools." But a growing Hope Scholarship voucher program is diverting public resources away from the public education system and the nearly 250,000 children…

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December 1, 2023 by WVCBP
Financial Crisis Looming in WV Due to Justice Administration’s Flat Budgets

WVCBP executive director Kelly Allen recently met with the Dominion Post Editorial Board to explain how the Justice administration has set the state up for budgetary crisis in the coming years. You can read an excerpt from the Dominion Post's editorial below: Unlike many other states, the governor of West Virginia has the constitutional power to set…

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November 10, 2023 by WVCBP
West Virginia’s Revenue Gap Grows to $210.7 Million as Hundreds of Millions in Spending Obligations Loom

For the first four months of FY 2024, West Virginia’s General Revenue collections are down $210.7 million compared to the same period in FY 2023, despite the state exceeding the fairly modest revenue estimates set by the Governor Justice administration in an effort to maintain a ‘flat budget.’ The combination of self-inflicted tax cuts and a collapse…

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October 27, 2023 by WVCBP
Welcome to the Team, Krysta!

The WVCBP is excited to welcome Krysta Rexrode Wolfe to the team as our new operations and event coordinator! Before joining the WVCBP staff, Krysta served the state by leading faith communities in Morgantown and Charleston. Krysta brings a decade of administrative experience and a passion for advocacy to her work. She holds a B.A.…

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September 29, 2023 by WVCBP
The State of West Virginia’s Unemployed and Those Outside the Workforce

Each year the West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy releases its annual State of Working West Virginia report, which examines West Virginia's economy through the lens of its workers—the people who power our state and our economy. While each year's report has a slightly different focus, one consistent theme is the need to ask this simple…

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September 15, 2023 by WVCBP
The High Costs of Cheap Food in West Virginia Prisons

Since 2015, West Virginia prisons have sent more than $57.1 million out of state to pay for food served in its prisons. Privatizing prison food has resulted in poorer food quality and worse health outcomes. A 2022 class-action lawsuit filed against the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (DCR) alleged unconstitutional conditions of confinement, including the serving of…

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September 1, 2023 by WVCBP
The Costs of Police Overtime in Charleston

In March 2023, the Charleston City Council approved a $111.6 million budget for the 2024 fiscal year. Once again, the city dedicated one-fifth of its budget ($23.0 million) to uniformed Charleston Police officers for wages, benefits, pensions, insurance, and equipment. Of the $12.3 million budgeted for wages, $2.6 million was allocated for overtime pay. High…

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