Blog Posts > Appetite for Tax Reform Remains, Despite West Virginia Voter’s Rejection of Amendment 2
November 21, 2022

Appetite for Tax Reform Remains, Despite West Virginia Voter’s Rejection of Amendment 2

The State Journal – West Virginia voters rejected the much-discussed Amendment 2 during the Nov. 8 election, but its underlying issues will remain very much in play during the upcoming session of the West Virginia Legislature.

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Republicans — who control the West Virginia House of Delegates, West Virginia Senate and the governor’s mansion — would like to undertake the most significant overhaul of the tax code in decades, but can’t agree on a strategy.

Amendment 2, which was backed by Senate President Craig Blair, R-Berkeley, and Senate Finance Committee Chair Eric Tarr, R-Putnam, would have allowed lawmakers to consider eliminating the state’s tangible personal property used for business activities and the property taxes paid on vehicles.

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