Blog Posts > What Happened to Weirton? Part 4: Where is God Today?
July 15, 2019

What Happened to Weirton? Part 4: Where is God Today?

The consequences of deindustrialization manifest in many different ways. Read/Listen.

Sherry Linkon and John Russo, two prominent scholars in working class studies, have written several books and articles about this topic, and at this point, they find you can easily make a list of what will happen when industry leaves. Let’s run down it.

In most cases, there’s a decline in population, a loss of jobs, a loss of homes, a loss of healthcare, a reduction in the tax base and therefore cuts in public services. There’s usually an increase in crime, depression, suicide and drug and alcohol abuse. You’ll find more instances of family violence and divorce, and a loss of faith in public institutions.

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