Blog Posts > EDITORIAL: The Good, the Bad and the Stupid 4
February 10, 2022

EDITORIAL: The Good, the Bad and the Stupid 4

The Dominion Post, Yahoo News – Feb. 10—We’re running our weekly roundup a little early this week, and we’ll mostly be focusing on the “good ” and the “stupid ” today. The “bad ” will come tomorrow. Without further ado, let’s take a look at what the Legislature has been up to. Read the full editorial.

Good: HB 4003—to establish legal rights to chemical compounds, elements and substances that are derived from the treatment of mine drainage. In plain English: This bill sets the framework for allowing the state and private entities to see rare earth elements extracted from acid mine drainage. We’ve previously discussed the benefits of REE extraction, so we won’t get into the details here. But in short, it creates a financial motivation for treating AMD-contaminated water, and it brings an important part of electronics manufacturing back to the U.S.

Stupid: SB 495—to require graduating high school seniors to pledge an oath to uphold the Constitution. This bill is as weird as it is unnecessary. Students already say a pledge of allegiance to the flag every morning, which is technically voluntary (but not really) and not something most other Western and democratic nations do.

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